400 years of blessings

On 31st December 2023, 400 years after our foundresses received the Benedictine habit, we gathered informally in church around the statue of Our Lady of Consolation. Mother Abbess then led us in the Litany of Our Lady so launching the Jubilee Year under the protection of Our Lady’s prayers. First Vespers of Mary the Mother of God followed immediately.

Each day you are remembered in our Jubilee prayer after Midday Office.

Jubilee Prayer

O GOD, who alone are eternal,

we thank and praise you

for your unfailing providence

towards our community.

Through the grace of the Jubilee,

wash away our infidelities,

and renew in us

the spirit of our foundresses

that we may be

channels of consolation

for your people.

We ask that all who celebrate

this holy year with us

be strengthened in faith and love

and receive the blessing of peace.

through Christ our Lord.


New Jubilee Publication

A beautiful combination of photographs and narrative that tells the story of our 400yr history; detailing the changes and challenges we have faced over the years and the timeless essentials of the life.

Written by Sr Laurentia it is available in our bookshop £6.50.

Jubilee tea towel!

Designed to mark our Jubilee by Sr Julian.  It is a delightful representation of some of the key moments and figures in our 400yr history.

Available from the bookshop £11.99