Before all things and above all things care must be taken of the sick

Before all things and above all things care must be taken of the sick, so that they may be served in very deed as Christ himself; for he said: I was sick and ye visited me;1 and, what ye did to one of these least ones ye did unto me.2 But let the sick on their part consider that they are being served for the honour of God, and not provoke their brethren who are serving them by their unreasonable demands. Yet they should be patiently borne with, because from such as these is gained a more abundant reward. Therefore let the abbot take the greatest care that they suffer no neglect. For these sick brethren let there be assigned a special room and an attendant who is God-fearing, diligent and careful. Let the use of baths be afforded to the sick as often as may be expedient; but to the healthy, and especially to the young, let them be granted seldom. Moreover, let the use of flesh meat be granted to the sick who are very weak, for the restoration of their strength; but, as soon as they are better, let all abstain from flesh meat as usual. Let the abbot take the greatest care that the sick not be neglected by the cellarers and attendants; for he must answer for all the misdeeds of his disciples.

1 Matt. xxv, 36
2Ibid. 40