But if during that time he be found exacting or depraved…

But if during that time he be found exacting or depraved, not only should he not be made a member of the community, but he should be respectfully told to depart, lest others should be corrupted by his lamentable life. If, however, he do not deserve to be dismissed, not only should he be received on his asking as a member of the community, but he should even be urged to stay, so that others may be instructed by his example, and because wherever we are we serve the same Lord and fight for the same King. And the abbot may even give him a higher place in the community, if he consider him worthy of it. And so also, not only with a monk, but also with the aforesaid orders of priests and clerics: the abbot may give them a rank that is higher than is theirs by their entry, if he see that their life deserves it. But let the abbot beware lest he ever receive a monk of some other known monastery as a member of his community without the consent of his abbot and a letter or recommendation, because it is written: ‘Do not thou to another what thou wouldst not have done to thyself’.