Compline at 7.30pm Thurs 23rd Jan. No public Vigils, Midday Office or Compline on Fri 24th Jan.

In the aforesaid winter season…

In the aforesaid winter season, there is first the versicle Domine labia mea aperies et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam1 to be said three times; then must follow the third psalm and the Gloria; then the ninety-fourth psalm to be chanted with an antiphon, or at any rate to be chanted. Let the hymn follow next, and then six psalms with antiphons. When these are finished and the versicle said, let the abbot give a blessing; and then, all being seated in their places, let three lessons be read from the book on the lectern by the brethren in their turns, and let three responsories be chanted between them. Two of the responsories shall be said without the Gloria; but after the third lesson let the reader chant the Gloria. And as soon as he has begun it, let all rise from their seats in honour and reverence to the Holy Trinity. The books to be read at Matins shall be the inspired Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, and also the commentaries on them which have been made by well-known and orthodox Catholic Fathers. After these three lessons with their responsories, let there follow the remaining six psalms which shall be chanted with Alleluia. After these shall follow the lesson from the apostle, to be recited by heart, the versicle, and the petition of the litany, that is Kyrie eleison. And so shall end the Night Office.

1Ps 1, 17 [O Lord open my lips and my mouth shall declare your praise]