In the appointment of the abbot let this rule always be observed, that he be made abbot who is chosen unanimously in the fear of God by the whole community, or even by a minority, however small, if its counsel be more wholesome. Let him who is appointed be chosen for the merit of his life and the wisdom of his teaching, even though he be the last in order of the community. But if (which God forbid) the whole community should agree to choose a person who acquiesces in its evil ways, and if these come somehow to the knowledge of the bishop of the diocese, or become known to the neighbouring abbots or other christians, let them prevent the success of this conspiracy of the wicked, and set a worthy steward over God’s house. Let them be sure that they will receive a good reward if they do this with a pure intention and zeal for God; as, on the contrary, they will sin if they neglect it.