The brethren shall keep their order in the monastery…

The brethren shall keep their order in the monastery according to the length of their religious service and the merit of their lives, as the abbot shall determine. Yet the abbot must not disturb the flock committed to him, nor by an excuse of arbitrary authority ordain anything unjustly; but let him always consider that he will have to render God an account of all his judgements and deeds. Let the brethren, therefore, receive the kiss of peace, go to Communion, intone the psalms and stand in choir according to the order which the abbot has fixed, or which they have of themselves. And in no place whatever should age distinguish the brethren and decide their order; for Samuel and Daniel, though young, judged the elders. Therefore, excepting those whom, as we have said, the abbot has by special decision promoted or for definite reasons degraded, all the rest shall take their order according to the time of their entry. Let him, for instance, who came to the monastery at the second hour of the day, (whatever be his age or dignity) know that he is junior to him who came at the first hour. Boys, however, are to kept under discipline at all times and by everyone.