The monastic community…placed as a city on the mountain top and a light on the lampstand, even in the simplicity of its life, visibly depicts the goal towards which the whole ecclesial community walks, ardent in action and dedicated to contemplation, it advances along the paths of time with eyes fixed on the future recapitulation of everything in Christ.

Cor Orans para 159

A nun has responded to an invitation from the Lord to live a life that is at its essence prayer at the heart of the Church.

Separated from the world in order to be a visible sign to the world, we hold the needs and concerns of all nations and people in prayer.

Periods of silence, prayer are interspersed with the needs of community life and service, and not least the welcoming of guests.

St Benedict in his Rule envisaged that as far as possible everything that is needed for life in the monastery should be within the enclosure.

Our ministry is one of prayer and presence to which all are welcome to join us.