‘That in all things God may be glorified’
Oblates worldwide
Benedictine oblates (there are more than 25,000 worldwide) try to live the Rule of St Benedict in daily life. Taking its spirit of balance, moderation and toleration into the family, the workplace and society, they attempt to bear witness to Christ and to bring his Gospel to the world through lives marked by reverence, service and solidarity.

The Stanbrook Oblature – a commitment of prayer
In keeping with the Benedictine ethos of stabilitas – stability of heart, oblates make a commitment to one particular monastery to which they sense a call. After a period of discernment and probation – a serious commitment to prayer and the Divine Office according the individual’s circumstances is expected – the would-be oblate promises conversion of life according to the spirit of the Rule of St Benedict.
At Stanbrook, oblation is primarily a spiritual bond of prayer and a sharing of God-given gifts on the part of both monastic community and oblate for the building up of God’s Kingdom.
There are currently about 80 Stanbrook Oblates bound together by prayer, regular meetings, newsletters and personal exchanges with the Oblate team and community members. We welcome enquiries from all genuine seekers. Baptised Christians of any denomination may become part of the Oblate family. For more information, please contact:
The Oblate Mistress
Stanbrook Abbey,
YO61 4AY
Recommended reading:
- ‘The Rule of St Benedict’
- ‘The Search for God’ Basil Hume
- ‘Oblates in the World’ Eds Kulzer and Bondi
- ‘Gateway to Resurrection’ Maria Boulding
- ‘Living the Mystery’ Dom Hugh Gilbert
- ‘The Way of Benedict: Eight Blessings for Lent’ Laurentia Johns
Book Review:
Benedictine Spirituality for Every Christian
By Dom Xavier Perrin OSB, Abbot of Quarr
Pub. 2022, Gracewing; ISBN 978-0-85244-985-1
Dom Xavier’s small book (101 pages) makes for easy reading, and yet it covers its focus with surprising breadth and depth. This book is not a detailed commentary on the Rule of Saint Benedict. Instead, it provides an introductory guide to the Benedictine life and spirituality, which in great part flow from the Rule.
The Abbot has set out the book in three sections.
The first introduces the life of St Benedict, mainly drawing upon what we know from the writings of Pope St Gregory the Great. This first section also provides an overview of the main themes of the Rule.
The second section provides ‘A history of the Benedictine family’. This outlines the development of Benedictine monasticism and its reforms, as well as introducing some key people in the development of Benedictine spirituality. This includes Stanbrook’s own spiritual forebear, Dame Gertrude More.
The final section of the book sets out to describe approaches to the living out of Benedictine spirituality in the world. Dom Xavier provides helpful guidance for those of us who feel called to the Benedictine way, but are unable to enter into a monastic life.
Overall this is an excellent book for those investigating the Benedictine life as a lay person, as well as a thoughtful refresher for those with more experience.
John Griffiths. Eastertide, 2024