21 and 22 Oct, no public Compline; 22 October, no public Vigils or Midday Office

5th July Our Patronal Feast

Today we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Consolation under whose patronage the community has lived since its foundation 400 years ago.
The protection of Mary’s prayers were a comfort to those in distress in the troubled times of seventeenth-century Europe as they are for us today.
We assure you of our prayers for all in need today and we invite you to join us in the following prayer which we shall be praying throughout the day:

O GOD, Father of all mercies and source of all consolation, whose will it was to give new life through the Mother of your only Son to all who call on you, grant that we who glory in Mary’s protection may always receive comfort in time of need. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.