21 and 22 Oct, no public Compline; 22 October, no public Vigils or Midday Office

From September the 14th to the beginning of Lent

From September the 14th to the beginning of Lent let them apply themselves to reading up to the end of the second hour. Let Terce be said at the second hour, and from then until the ninth hour let them all work at the tasks appointed to them. As soon as the first signal for None has been given, let them all abandon their work and hold themselves ready for the sounding of the second signal. After dinner let them apply themselves to their reading or to their study of the psalms.

In the days of Lent let them apply themselves to their reading from the morning until the end of the third hour, and from then until the end of the tenth hour let them perform the work that is assigned to them. In these days of Lent let them each receive a book from the library, which they shall read right through from the beginning; let these books be given out at the beginning of Lent. But one or two senior monks should certainly be deputed to go round the monastery at the times when the brethren are occupied in reading, to see that there be no slothful brother who spends his time in idleness or gossip and neglects the reading, so that he not only does himself harm, but also disturbs others. If there be such a one (which God forbid), let him be corrected once and a second time; if he do not amend, let him undergo the punishment of the Rule, so that the rest may be afraid. And the brethren should not associate with one another at unseasonable hours.