Idleness is the enemy of the soul.

Idleness is the enemy of the soul. The brethren, therefore, must be occupied at certain hours in manual labour, and again at other hours in sacred reading. To this end we think that the times for each may be determined in the following manner. From Easter until September the 14th the brethren shall start with the morning and from the first hour until about the fourth hour do what work has to be done. From the fourth hour until about the sixth let them apply themselves to reading. After the sixth hour, having left the table, let them rest on their beds in perfect silence; or if anyone wishes to read by himself, let him read so as not to disturb the others. Let None be said early, at the middle of the eighth hour; and let them again do what work has to be done until Vespers. But if the circumstances of the place or their poverty require them to gather the harvest themselves, let them not be discontented; for then are they truly monks, when they live by the labour of their hands, like our fathers and the apostles. Yet let all things be done in moderation on account of the fainthearted.