If any abbot wish to have a priest or a deacon ordained for his monastery, let him choose out one of his subjects who is worthy to exercise the priestly office. But let the one who is ordained beware of elation or pride; and let him not presume to do anything but what is commanded him by the abbot, knowing that he is all the more subject to the discipline of the monastery. Let him not because of his priesthood forget the obedience and discipline of the Rule, but make ever more and more progress towards God.
Let him always keep the place which is his according to the time of his entry into the monastery, except in his duties at the altar, and if the choice of the community and the abbot’s decision should perchance promote him for the worthiness of his life. Yet let him understand that he must observe the injunctions laid down for deans and priors. Should he presume to act otherwise, let him be judged not a priest but a rebel; and if after frequent admonitions he do not amend, let the bishop too be brought in as a witness. If he do not amend even then, but his offences are manifest, let him be dismissed from the monastery; provided that his contumacy be such that he refuses to submit and to obey the Rule.