21 and 22 Oct, no public Compline; 22 October, no public Vigils or Midday Office

Let brethren who are sent on a journey…

Let brethren who are sent on a journey commend themselves to the prayers of all the brethren and of the abbot; and always at thelast prayer of the Work of God let there be a commemoration of all absent brethren. When brethren return from a journey, let them on the day they return, at the end of each canonical Hour of the Work of God, lie prostrate on the floor of the oratory and ask the prayers of all on account of any faults that may have surprised them on the road, through the seeing or hearing of something evil, or through idle talk. Nor let anyone presume to tell another what he has seen or heard outside the monastery, because this causes very great harm. But if anyone presume to do so, let him undergo the punishment of the Rule. And let him be punished likewise who shall presume to leave the monastery, or to go anywhere, or to do anything however trifling, without the permission of the abbot.