Compline at 7.30pm Thurs 23rd Jan. No public Vigils, Midday Office or Compline on Fri 24th Jan.

A place to stay

Our Jubilee seems an appropriate moment to make the Guest House a living reality to give those who wish to share more fully in our life of prayer a place to stay.

It is now 15yrs since we moved into our new monastery.  Many of you will remember that our Chapter House had to become a temporary chapel as we had to wait to raise the funds to build the church.  Seven years have now past since the church was build along with parlours and a guest kitchen and the conference room which have enabled us to offer hospitality to the wide range of guests who visit us.  The shell of the Guest House was built at the same time as the church and parlours but we did not have sufficient funds to bring it into use.


Architects plan of the monastery guest house.